The “Alwasiles” sheriffs were very strict. If they found a girl or a boy talking to each other out in public they would take them to their parents. Sometimes they would make them get married. When young people wanted to get married, the grooms’s oldest uncle and his wife would go in the early evening to the bride’s home. They would say my nephew wants to marry your daughter. If the reply came before the 8th day it meant there would be no wedding. If the reply didn’t come that early then there was good news.

The Church was renovated in 2000 and the exterior stucco was replaced with a limestone finish to protect the adobe blocks.
On the 8th day, the bride’s eldest brother and his wife and her padrinos would go to the groom’s house to deliver the answer. And if it would be yes, the parents of the groom would provide drinks, cakes, and biscochitos. They would set the date, choose their padrinos. The first day was the prendorio; the bride’s parents would fix all the food. On the wedding day, the groom’s parents made all of the food. All the relatives were invited and no presents were taken then. They would dance all night. There were no honeymoons then. Sometimes some men would go ask a girl to marry him without consulting her. If she didn’t like him she would put pumpkin seeds in an envelope and sent it to him. That meant he had been given “calabasas.”
When I was small I went to a wedding with my parents, and the bride was introduced by the groom’s father; everyone gave her a 25- or 50-cent piece. Afterward came the showers and the wedding day came about. The groom would ask the bride’s father for his daughter’s hand. The bride and groom made all the wedding plans.
I remember when my dad and mom were padrinos for Agripima Cisneros and Alfredo Montoya. They marched from Church to the Cisneros home where Eloisa Cisneros’ home is. The band played and they carried the flag of the U.S.
Entreja de los Novias
When a couple gets married, at the reception they listen to the “Entreja.” This is traditional among the Spanish.
Entreja de los Novias
En el nombre de Dios ComiensoY de la Virgen Maria Para entregar este estado Se le llegado su dia.
A dios le pido licencia
Que me conseda memoria Para entregar este estado
Que tengan parte en la gloria.
Hiso dios con su poder Adan Con su sabiduria
Para formar la mujer Pues le quito un costilla.
Adan le dio un profundo sueno En un hermoso vergel
Para sacar la costilla Donde formo la mujer.
Adan volvio de su sueno En una fragente Rosa
Y le dijo su criador Aqui tienes a tu esposa.
Viendo Adan su compañera Al momento desperto
L recibio como esposa Como dios se lo mando.
Esta manana salieron Cuatro rosas pa la iglesia El padrino y la madrina El novio y la princesa.
Dios las aguas dividido En un momento de ser Y cristo les ordeno
Que cumplan con su deber.
Cuando se dieron las manos Le respondio en alta voz Quedan ustedes casados Con la voluntad de dios.
La mujer a su marido
Loha de llevar con paciencia
Asi lo na permetido La divina providencia.
El hombre como buen esposo Sujetarse a su mujer
Pasar sus dias con gozo Cumpliendo con su deber.
Oigan rescien casados Que los voy a molestar Procuren vivir bonito No se dejen enganar.
Pues el matrimonio fue Pa la hembra y el varon
Dejen al diablo en un lado No le pongan atencion.
El poder de su eficasia Que dios nos conserve fe En un estado de gracia Como Maria y Jose.
No anden con su cruz ladiada En su justo tribunal
Por que dieron juramento Que lo tienen que guardar.
Cristo nos dio a conocer Que el padecio en su morada Llevando su cruz con esmero Como su esposa adorada.
La carga que se han echado Con voluntad de los dos
No es para un dia, ni un rato Es mientiras vivan los dos.
Dispense recien casado Que lo voy a monestar
Esta cruz que Dios le dado No la valla a vandonar.
Si deja su cruz por otra Ella pegara un suspiro Usted sera responsible Ante el tribunal divino
Dispense resien casada Ponga cuildado y sentido
Ya no hay padre ya no hay madre Ahora lo que hay es marido.
Ese velo esa corona Que lucen con alegria Eso dan a contener
El manto de Maria
El ramo que porta el novio Es de un hermoso clavel Eso da a contener
La vara de San Jose.
Que la Virgen los cuide Jesus Cristo los ampare Lo que Dios ha juntado Que el no lo separe.
El casorio es delicado Como un vaso de cristal Nomas una vez se quiebra Ye no se vulve a juntar.
El senor los ha juntado Es un santop matrimonio Procuran vivir bonito
No le den gusto al demonio.
El padrino y la madrina Ya saben su obligacion
Entregar a sus hijados Y echarles la bendicion.
La bendicion de Dios padre Y de la Virgen Maria
Que sean buenos casados Dios vaya en su compania.
En lo mas alto del cielo Brilla un agua cristalina Donde se lavan los manos El padrino y la madrina.
A los padres de los novios Reciban aqui estas flores No los reciban llorando Reciban los con amor.
A todo publico honorado Dispensen les voy a hablar Si en algo me equivocado Me deben de dispensar.
Dedication of the Newlyweds
I began in the name of God
And of the Virgin Mary The day has arrived
To give away the couple.
I ask permission
And memory of the Lord To give the couple away
So they might share his glory.
God made Adam With his wisdom To form woman
he took Adam’s rib.
Adam fell into a deep slumber
In a beautiful garden
So that the rib which formed woman Could be taken.
Adam awoke from his dream Among fragrant roses
And the Lord said “Here is your wife.”
Seeing his companion He awoke instantly
He received her as his wife As the Lord commanded.
On this morning
There are four roses from the church The best man and maid of honor The groom and his princess.
God divided the waters At a point of being
And Christ ordered them
To complete their obligation.
As they held each other’s hand The priest pronounced them Man and wife
Through the will of God.
Bride, be patient With your husband
That is the command of God.
Groom, be a good husband Be subject to your wife Spend your days joyfully Fulfill your obligation.
Listen, newly weds
I admonish you work
To live happily
Don’t let yourselves be fooled.
Marriage was meant For husband and wife Put aside the Devil Don not heed him.
Preserve your faith in God Live in grace
As Mary and Joseph.
Don’t be led astray Remain faithful
For you have a promise You must keep.
Christ has told us That he died for us Carrying his Cross As his adored wife.
The burden you’ve assumed Through the will of God
Is not for a day or a while It is for life.
Pardon me bride Pay close
There is no longer mother or father Now there is a husband.
Groom, if you leave your wife For someone else.
That veil that crown That you wear so happily
That symbolizes the veil of Mary. The butonniere which is a sign
Worn by the groom that Symbolizes the staff of Saint Joseph.
[Note: The last 8 verses not translated]
When a young couple got married and they didn’t tell any one and didn’t have a fiesta, then relatives and neighbors would “sonar hagors” and they would make a dance and have goodies for the people. This is the “Entreija De Novias.”
A dios pido licencia A Jesus Sacramentado
Para poderme expresar Ante este publico honrado
En el nombre de dios comienso Y de la Vergen Maria
A cantarles esta entriega En este dichoso dia
El Alba
My grandmother sang this song in morning as the sun was rising.
Angel de mi guarda Noble companea Velame la noche
Y guardame el día
Cantemos el Alba Ya viene el día Daremos gracias Ave María
Estos si son favores Estos si que son Gracias a María Gloria al Senor
Que todos los Santos Del cielo nos valgan O Jesus dívieno
Cuida nurestias almas En suma pobreza
Ya parin Maria
Al verbo encarndo Para todos sería.
Tan bella grandeza Nos hizo ber
La maldad (el pecado) De lucifer.
Nacio María Para consuelo De pecadores Y luz del cielo
María divino Par ser ton pura Fue celebrada
Por su hermosura
Vivo Jesus Viva María
Contemos todos En este día.
Bendito sea Su caridad Bendito sea Quien se la da
Quien la Alba Canta Muy de mañana
Los indulgencias Del cielo gana.
El Alba—the Sunrise
Guardian angel
Noble companion
Watch me through the night
And guard me through the day.
We sing to the dawn The day is coming We give thanks Blessed Mary.
These are true blessings These they surely are Thanks be to Mary Thanks be to God.
May all the Saints In heaven hear us O divine Jesus
Watch over our souls.
Mary was born To console
All sinners
To give heavenly light.
Mary divine
For being so pure You were known For your beauty.
Long live Jesus Long live Mary Let us all
Sing on this day.
Whoever sings “La Alba” Early in the morning
The indulgence of heaven You will gain.
Estos versos son mi tia y mi amiga con cariña
Adonaisa tiene por nombre
Rael por mas grandesa.
Fue conocida por años, Y con mucha delicadesa.
Hoy se mira muy bonita En este hora del dia.
Se mira como una flor Como una Rosa de Castilla.
Ha complido 95 años Le digo la verdad.
Aqui todos nosotros Le deseamos felicidad.
Quisiera ser una palmomita Para entra por su ventana, Y darle los Buenos Dias Acostadita en su cama.
A toda su familia,
Se los digo en alta voz,
Aqui tienen a su mamà y abuelita, Deremos Gracias a Dios.